
Showing posts from June, 2024

How CafeHailee Makes Our Favorite Beach Sandwiches

Hailee Catalano doesn’t come from a long line of mayo-spreading, Cape Cod chip-packing, sand-and-salt-water enthusiasts: She’s from Chicago, scared of sharks, and decidedly out on swimming. Yet, despite her coastless roots, Hailee has the ideal mindset for someone who’s become the internet’s undisputed beach sandwich authority. “The only reason I like going to the beach is to bring food to the beach,” she told me. Read More >>

Here's How We *Actually* Use This Cute Dansk Butter Warmer

If you’ve taken a peek at Dansk’s Købenstyle line, you’re probably already familiar with the butter warmer—the tiny (we’re talking 0.59-quart capacity), surprisingly versatile pot that rarely leaves our stovetops. Designed by Jens Quistgaard in 1956, this butter warmer was made for, well, warming butter. Think: melting butter to pour on popcorn, or browning butter for chocolate chip cookies. But it’s good for much more than that. Here are seven of our favorite ways to use this handy piece of cookware—none of which have to do with butter. Read More >>

The 15 Best Pasta Salad Recipes to Make All Summer Long

Warm weather means BBQ ribs, burgers, and hot dogs on the grill, and it helps to round things out with a solid, satisfying side dish—enter crowd-favorite pasta salad. Read on for our best pasta salad recipes, plus an easy formula for mixing one up yourself. --- Let’s be honest—we never stopped eating pasta. It plays well with creamy, comforting flavors in colder months, then graciously welcomes warmer temperatures with bright, fresh zest. But while pasta is seasonless, the pasta salad screams summer. Read More >>

Founder Files: A Good Times Jar, a Reusable Berry Basket & July 4th Recipes

Welcome to the latest edition of Food52 Founder Amanda Hesser’s weekly newsletter, Hey there, it’s Amanda, packed with food and travel tips, Food52 happenings, and other matters that catch her eye. Get inspired—sign up here for her emails. --- My family started something called the Good Times Jar—every week each family member adds a note about something good that happened that week. It could be anything, but it needs to be detailed, so that at the end of 2024, we can read them aloud and savor the small wins and pleasures from the past year. We keep the jar on our kitchen counter, with a notepad and pen nearby. Every time I see it as I’m rushing by, I’m reminded to slow down the blur and take in the moments. Read More >>

Food52 Is Hiring More Test Kitchen Content Creators

You already know César, Nea, and Anna. We’re looking for more talented recipe developers and video creators to join their team. Maybe that’s you! Or maybe that’s a friend you think should apply. Do us both a favor and share this with them! Read More >>

Founder Files: New Shops in NY, Bacon-Fried Potato Salad & a Tinned Fish and Condiment Board

Something I’ve noticed: Creative founders of food and home companies are doubling down on shops. My theories on why: 1) The isolation of the pandemic made people understand that as much as we may annoy one another, we also really need to be together in person. 2) The internet is becoming a largely commoditized place dominated by a few soulless behemoths (AI for info, Amazon for basics, Meta for social). 3) If you have a brand and you haven’t already built a following online, the physical world is the next best way to reach and connect with people. Shopping and eating out are becoming our dominant forms of offline entertainment. A few local stand-outs I’ve admired over the past year or two: Read More >>

Rainbow Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

This super fun rainbow sheet cake is made from scratch with a tangy creamy cheese frosting, but it is easier to make than it looks! Jump to Recipe I’ve fully embraced rainbow food, as evident by my rainbow chocolate chip cookies, psychedelic rainbow swirled cheesecake brownies, and my rainbow layer cake. But when I was... The post Rainbow Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting appeared first on Eat The Love.

42 Easygoing Salad Recipes to Make Now (& All Summer Long)

Summer may not officially kick off until June 20, but we all know that it unofficially arrives once the sidewalks start to radiate heat. Which, depending on where you are, can be in late April or early May (we see you, Florida). Our favorite thing to eat when it's positively scorching? A crisp, cooling salad. Bonus points if it's totally no-cook. Here are 41 of our best and brightest summer salad recipes to get you through the long, hot months—enjoy them in a sunny spot or curled up next to the A.C. unit, whatever works. Read More >>

Cherry Rhubarb Crisp with Pistachio Crumb Topping (Sponsored Post)

This easy-to-make cherry rhubarb crisp has a crunchy pistachio crumble topping that pairs nicely with the sweet tart fruit filling. Jump to Recipe This post was sponsored by California Grown. I was compensated for this post and for developing the recipe. However, all opinions below are completely my own. A simple poke around my blog here... The post Cherry Rhubarb Crisp with Pistachio Crumb Topping (Sponsored Post) appeared first on Eat The Love.

Katy Perry’s Nonalc Drink Actually Rocks

This article was updated in June 2024 to include more of our favorite products. --- Ever since George Clooney traded his keys to the Casamigos Castle for a crisp billion dollars, celebrities—like Kendall Jenner, Matthew McCounaghey, and the guy that ruined twitter dot com—have hurled themselves towards any opportunity that pours from a 750ml bottle. Read More >>

Founder Files: Brownie Brittle, Coffee Ice Cubes & Egg-Shaped Serving Boards

My mom has been talking up a recipe called Brownie Brittle. As a fan of crisp cookies—she baked her Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies dark, and makes Corby Kummer’s nutty, shard-like biscotti—a brittle is very on-brand for her. Still, isn’t a brownie’s most appealing attribute its dense, damp interior? (Like this one and this one.) She brought some brownie brittle on a recent visit, and now I’m talking it up! The cocoa-and-chocolate-chip brittle manifests somewhere between a cracker and a shortbread, and is the kind of sweet you can have after lunch without crashing and falling asleep at your desk. The recipe comes from Chula King in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Read More >>

The Mezcal Cocktail I Always Make for Friends

This article was updated in June 2024 to include more of our favorite products. --- The Mezcal Amaro—a smoky, acidic, and spiced cocktail that includes its namesake ingredients, plus ginger beer, grapefruit, and lime juice—is what a Dark & Stormy wants to be. Refreshing and warming, complex but technically straightforward, it upholds a tried-and-true theory: When a drink’s ingredients are delicious on their own, make two. Read More >>

The Only Marinade You'll Need This Grilling Season

This article was updated in June 2024 to include more of our favorite products. --- I looked out Amanda Hesser's kitchen door at one of my very first Food52 photo shoots, and there Merrill was: Out on the deck, wrangling a very hot, flaming grill. Badass. Read More >>

How to Shuck Oysters—Our Complete Guide

This article was updated in June 2024 to include more of our favorite products. --- Everyone should learn how to shuck oysters. If you’ve never done it before, it might seem intimidating—a sharp knife and curved shell can leave little room for error—but with the right equipment, some patience, and proper technique, it’s very easy. If you can confidently open an oyster, there will be more opportunities for you to enjoy the shellfish, especially at home. Not only does this have a financial upside (oysters are often much more affordable when you buy and shuck them yourself), but shucking oysters is also guaranteed to improve any party. Crack open a few dozen oysters, serve them to friends, pour some drinks, and everyone—including yourself—will inevitably have a blast. Read More >>

Why You Should Season Your Soy Sauce

This article was updated in June 2024 to include more of our favorite products. --- As a condiment, soy sauce should not be consumed straight from the bottle. This isn’t because drinking condiments is strange (there are barbecue sauces worth downing by the pint), but because soy sauce—by itself—carries an aggressive umami flavor that is completely out of balance. The good news? According to Food52 Resident Lucas Sin, we can rectify this imbalance (and generally improve the condiment’s potential) by seasoning soy sauce at home. Here’s how. Read More >>

The Ultimate Guide to Summer Vegetables (& 43 Ways to Use Them)

This article was updated in June 2024 to include more of our favorite products. --- Summer is the CSA basket’s time to shine. That’s why Joshua McFadden’s Six Seasons—a seasonal-cooking bible that made our list of the top five books for all things vegetable—considers summer to be three different micro-seasons rolled into one. In that vein, I present to you a guide to summer vegetable cooking (or no-cooking) that’s broken down into early, mid, and late, using the vegetables in McFadden’s iconic cookbook as examples. But by all means, take creative liberties and cook outside the micro-seasons, paying attention to your local climate (and farmers markets). After all, summer is a time for a more relaxed approach to cooking that involves less oven, more salad, and loads of color. Here’s a cheat sheet: Read More >>

Founder Files: What I Learned From an Alcohol Hiatus

If you follow me on Instagram (@amandahesser), you know that I have a feature called “Beer du Jour” where I highlight great craft brews. You may also have noticed that I like an Americano (the Campari cocktail, not the coffee). Like anyone who gets New York Times emails, in addition to learning what stretches I should do but don’t, and what sunscreen I ought to have been applying for the last 30 years, I've been told enough about how alcohol disrupts sleep and energy levels. So I decided to do an experiment and stop drinking alcohol completely—not forever, but at least until I could assess the results. I was curious if I’d sleep more soundly and have more zest. It’s been about six weeks, and I’ve been surprised by the results. Read More >>